Hello Dear Ones!
Welcome to my Webpage!
My name is
Viktoria Advaytaya Fortuna Gold
I am a owner of personal Divine Healing Ray of Ascension of the planetary level and Graduated Bionergist with Healing Hands.
I am also Angel Ambassador, Family Healer, Grand Master of Energy and Companion to the Subtle World.
I am clairvoyant, clairaudient and of bright, clear knowledge and Tarot-Master with the right to change the Fate of people.
After Introduction into more than 1000 Devine, Bioenergetical, Cosmoenergetic, Zoroastrian and Planetary Channels, I can help you to heal Soul, Mind and Body of Humans and Animals.
I will be happy to help You to feel the Power of Healing Energies!
With Light and Love,